Unblur the World of HFpEF
An unbranded ad concept for healthcare professionals showcasing the differences in knowledge between two similar yet vastly different types of heart failure.

Echocardiograms (a core diagnosis tool for heart failure) and the static grain in them served as the main form of inspiration behind the concept and blur texture.
Directed the creative from its brief and through the presentation to the client’s global marketing team. Refined and tweaked the concept in market research where it resonated the strongest with cardiologists. Carried the overall creative out of concept and into development and deployment with a microsite, emails, facebook videos, and banner ads created off the initial concept.
Think HoFH Brochure
An unbranded informational leave-behind for healthcare professionals crafted to raise awareness around diagnosing HoFH in their patients.

The hexagonal, honeycomb-like molecular structure of cholesterol is used as a key design element for imagery, copy, and icons to help make the information more focused and engaging. Thin rules similar to arteries also run across the page, breaking apart information into digestable chunks
Pitched and won the rebranding opportunity to create a unified and modular design system for all the client’s unbranded print material.
Emotions As Data
A 2-week-long data collection project comparing the emotions of an introvert and an extrovert. Different swatches representative of the moods felt were collected, organized between whether they were with friends or without, and crafted into a poster.

Emotions are represented as the color spectrum to visualize how the range of our feeling can evoke a range of colors like a rainbow.
The Unkillable Demon King
An adapted thematic article from Mina Kimes’s original ESPN the Magazine publication about professional League of Legends player Faker, the Unkillable Demon King.